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The Michelle Mina Guide – Bananas

Bananas are amongst the most important crops of food that exist on the planet.

These fruit come from a family of plants known as Musa, that are native to Southeast Asian countries, and is grown in many of the more humid areas of the world. Fun fact: not all bananas are yellow! You also get them in green and red.

Bananas contain several healthy nutrients, such as potassium, fibre, vitamin B6, vitamin C, antioxidants and phytonutrients.

Here is a comprehensive guide on bananas.

Nutrition facts

The nutrition facts for 1 medium-sized banana (100 grams) are:

Calories: 89

Water: 75%

Protein: 1.1 grams

Carbs: 22.8 grams

Sugar: 12.2 grams

Fiber: 2.6 grams

Fat: 0.3 grams


If you are looking for a rich source of Carbohydrates, look no further. In an unripe banana it occurs as starch, and in ripe banana as sugars.

The composition of bananas change quite a bit durometer ripening.

In unripe bananas, the main component is starch. Green bananas consist of up to 80% starch when measured in dry weight.  As the fruit ripens, the starch is converted into sugars and ends up as less than 1% of the fully ripe banana.

During ripening, the starch is converted into sugars and ends up being less than 1% when the banana is fully ripe. These types sugars are then most commonly sucrose, fructose and glucose. The total sugar content in ripe bananas can be more than 16% of the fresh weight.

Bananas also have a low GI (glycemic index) of 42-58, depending on how ripe they are. This index is a way to measure how quickly Carbohydrates in food enter your bloodstream and consequently raise your blood sugar. This is why bananas are a great snack for a diabetic!

Bananas’ high content of resistant starch and fibre explains their low GI.


A large proportion of the starch found in unripe bananas is something known as resistant starch, which passes through your digestive system undigested. In your large intestine, this starch is fermented by bacteria to form butyrate – a fatty acid that is beneficial for the health of your gut.

Vitamins and minerals

Bananas contain several vitamins and minerals, especially potassium, vitamin B6 and vitamin C. A diet high in potassium can lower blood pressure in individuals with high blood pressure and also benefits heart health.  One medium-sized banana can provide your body with up to 33% of the Daily Value of this vitamin.

Like most fruits, bananas have a high vitamin C content.

Like many other fruits, bananas contain a number of healthy antioxidants, which are responsible for the health benefits provided. Such as the release dopamine, which boosts your mood, and catechin, which reduces the risk of heart disease.

Bananas are sweet, and not a bad idea for a snack for all ages.

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